Week 6
I'm currently 6 weeks along and the whole radiant, glowing pregnant woman thing has skipped right past me. My chin has broken out in spots and red patches and a small area of my back is spotty. Lets add to this, the fact that I am steering clear of hair dyes for the first trimester. This was not a problem in my younger years when I dyed my hair out of want however it is now a necessity thanks to a random sprouting of grey which I will now be sporting for the next few weeks. On a positive note, with my previous pregnancies, morning sickness began at exactly this time but I have experienced nothing so far. I feel slightly yuck and the smell of some foods are a bit off putting but nothing that is affecting my appetite and causing me to be sick. I am secretly hoping that I may get off easier this time although this may be wishful thinking. Something that does seem to be hitting hard is the fatigue. I remember feeling really tired with my other two but this is on another level. I feel like I'm spending more time asleep than awake at the moment. Every time I sit down I seem to dose off, I don't know how it's possible to sleep as much as I have been and still be tired. I guess growing a baby really does take it out of you!
Week 7
I spoke too soon! At week 7 that the nausea has kicked in and boy am I am finding it tough. My husband finds it hilarious that I chose to put myself through this again especially as I previously experienced bad morning sickness, more so with my son second time round, at which time I proclaimed that I could never go through it again. I tried to explain to him that it's like when you drink too much and wake up with the worst hangover ever. You swear to yourself and anyone who'll listen that you will never drink again but there you are 7 days later in the same position! I have a theory that anything that provides you a feel good factor at some point will have you asking for more, for me this applies to drinking, working out and in this particular case having a baby and everything that comes with it.
Thankfully however, whilst my husband finds my misery amusing at this point he is also being very helpful with the children doing school runs and most of the cooking so I don't have to spend my evenings gagging in the kitchen. My diet is very basic just now as there doesn't seem to be much I can stomach. I have been sticking to digestive biscuits, butter on toast, red grapes and fluids wise it's either water or diluted apple juice, anything else just makes me feel worse. Everyone talks about ginger to alleviate the nausea and although I ate ginger biscuits in previous pregnancies, I'm not keen on the taste and find as long as I have something lining my stomach the sickness lifts enough for me to get about. Given that morning sickness tends to last up until 12-14 weeks, I have roughly 6 weeks of this left to go and I am counting down the days, hours and minutes already :(
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