Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Pregnancy Diaries: Week 30 (Prenatal Listening System Review)

There has been no real changes to report this week so I thought I would review the Prenatal Listening System which my mum kindly bought for me. It is not something I would have purchased myself as it isn't a necessity in pregnancy however, since I was given it, I thought it would be fun to try out with the kids as a way of including them in their new siblings journey. 

The instructions suggest using it from 28 weeks to ensure there is a strong enough heartbeat, so as not to panic a mum to be who may not hear something in the earlier weeks of pregnancy.
It comes with two sets of ear phones and a band which you fix the monitor onto so it can be strapped to your tummy. It is pretty self explanatory when it comes to working the device.
Was it as good as I expected it to be? Disappointingly, no.

I thought it would sound similar to what I hear when the midwife listens for the baby's heartbeat at my regular check ups. However instead it sounds like a very faint drum beat which I can just about make out and I can tell the kids can barely make sense of what they are hearing, if at all. That being said, they still ask if they can listen in on the baby every couple of days so I think the idea of hearing the baby is exciting enough for them and makes them feel like they are part of what is going on in mummy's tummy.
Would I buy it myself? Quite simply, the answer is no.
Having read other reviews on it only reiterates the problem of poor sound quality, which some mothers may find distressing if they think they can't find their baby's heartbeat. Depending where you buy, it retails at around £24.99 (£12.99 in TK MAXX), it hardly breaks the bank although I think the money could be better spent on something else.

Has anyone else tried using one of these? What were your thoughts on the device? I would love to know. 


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Pregnancy Diaries: Week 29

As someone who has been fond of piercings over the years, other than my ears, the only one I refuse to say goodbye to is my belly button piercing. Not because I want to show it of in mid-riff bearing clothes but more so because I think it distracts from the shape of belly button I have been left with after two children. I used to love what I call my full moon belly button which was perfectly round and formed but found that while my stomach returned to normal after both pregnancies my belly button did not do the same and was left with what I now call my half moon. Fast forward to pregnancy number three as my innie has become an outie and am no longer able to wear my belly bar. There are large flexible ones you can buy for pregnancy but am scared it would catch on something so am just putting in my normal bar every couple of days for a few minutes. I find that if I don't do this it starts to close up and really don't want to have to get it redone once I've had the baby. The older I get, the less tolerant I am to pain!

Talking of pain, I had my whooping cough jab this week. Whilst the jab itself wasn't sore, by the end of the day my arm was killing me, with it hurting to lift away from my side or lying on whilst sleeping. So a word of warning, if you choose to have this done (its usually between 28 & 32 weeks pregnant I think) make sure it's done in the arm you use the least.

I also thought I would share some pics of the pram I ordered last week. In the end I went for the Bugaboo Cameleon3 with a silver chassis, black base and the hood/apron in petrol blue. The name petrol blue initially put me off the colour especially when looking at the samples but when you see it on the pram it actually looks more of a turquoise, teal colour which I thought would be nice with either pink or grey accessories depending on the sex of the baby.

Image credit: Polyvore

I took inspiration for my colours from this swatch on pinterest and have decided on the pink or greys with pastel tones to add some colour to white baby furniture I want to get.

After 7 months of looking at prams this is what I went for

After much deliberating I ended up choosing the Maxi Cosi Pebble car seat (on the right) in the colour Graphic Crystal (on the left). 

Thats it for this week. Keep an eye out for my next Pregnacy Diaries Vlog on YouTube. Here is my first ever one from last week if you missed it.


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Pregnancy Diaries: Week 28 - 3rd Trimester!???

We are officially in the third trimester... I think! If you look on line you will find differing opinions on when the third trimester actually begins. Some say it's anywhere between 25-28 weeks and others state around 27-29 weeks pregnant. I'm going with 28 weeks, not that it matters a great deal.

The tummy is starting to get in the way is week. Bending down to put on socks and shoes can be tricky as by the time I lean forward, boobs rest on the belly, belly on the thighs, there is no where left to go. So rather than go to the feet, I bring the feet up to me when sitting down, sooo much easier! I have also begun belly bashing my way around with me mis-judging spaces I have to squeeze through versus the actual size of my ever expanding middle. I'm getting good at apologising for bumping into people, telling them it wasn't me, it was the belly honestly. Life was so much easier when I had a waist!

28 weeks

I had a routine appointment for a check up with the midwife and all was fine until it came to getting blood taken. It was going well until she accidentally pulled out the needle before she got enough blood so began again. Nothing was coming out despite, and I quote my 'beautiful veins' (there are other things I'd rather be praised for but hey). All in all it took five attempts before the job was done by which point I was left feeling a bit like a pin cushion. Good job I don't have a phobia of needles.

On a more pleasant note, an exciting part of this week was ordering my pram. I won't go into detail now as I may do a separate post on that but it was the first step in making the baby's arrival a reality, scary stuff!

That's all for now. xxx

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Pregnancy Diaries: Week 27

This week I have been experiencing the start of braxton hicks contractions. At 27 weeks these are happening a little earlier than I expected. The feeling is hard to describe if you haven't had them before but I would say they feel a bit like someone is tightening a belt around the middle of your stomach and it goes hard. To look at,  it's like the baby has curled into a ball and everything is more compact. I have found myself breathing through the braxton hicks, which does feel a bit silly considering it's not as if I'm in full labour with the pain taking it's toll. However they can be uncomfortable and the deep, controlled breathing gives me something else to focus on instead of thinking about the tightening's. These have been happening most days so I'm hoping they don't get more intense just yet. With the baby only being the size of a cauliflower, 14.5 inches long and weighing around 2 lbs, there is still some cooking left to be done in there!

In the last few days I have also noticed a feeling like the babies foot coming out! Obviously this is not the case but sometimes when I'm standing, there is the sensation of this little one lying low as if something is going to appear. I did have this in my last pregnancy so I know there is nothing wrong, it just feels really weird *pulls strange face*.

I initially thought this was the first week of my third trimester but turns out that's not until next week, oops, so as this is the LAST week of my SECOND trimester I have put together some pictures of my growing bump side by side to compare the weeks. A lot can change in 27 weeks.

Week 5 * Week 17 * Week 23

Week 25 * Week 26 * Week 27

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Pregnancy Diaries: Week 26

This hasn't been my best week with no real reason other than hormones to blame I guess. I have been feeling extremely tired and rather emotional. I could cry about nothing and everything, and have found myself waking up on the wrong side of bed which has only served to make the days more frustrating. One day I even got upset because I felt so uncomfortable with baby taking up all the space, that there was no room left for dinner. FYI - I love my food!
My red and inflamed skin hasn't helped. Despite my taking anti-histamines, the itchiness has returned resulting in me spending a couple of nights lying awake scratching, applying cream then repeating the process until I could no longer keep my eyes open. It is really taking it's toll one me now as it affects every aspect of my day from showering, the clothes I wear, being in the kitchen to something as simple as my holding my children's hands. As I have said previously, I am I prone to mild eczema on occasion generally and is apparently common for it to become worse when pregnant although have never experienced the condition to this severe extent.  I swear I could open up a pharmacy with the creams I have collected during this pregnancy but to no avail.

As I get closer to my due date, there is a part of me beginning to feel sad I will never carry another baby, feeling a kick and sharing special moments between my baby and I that no one else gets to encounter. On the other hand, I can't help but think of the day when hopefully my hormones revert back to normal and I don't need to live in constant pain. The things we do for our children huh?!