Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Pregnancy Diaries: Week 29

As someone who has been fond of piercings over the years, other than my ears, the only one I refuse to say goodbye to is my belly button piercing. Not because I want to show it of in mid-riff bearing clothes but more so because I think it distracts from the shape of belly button I have been left with after two children. I used to love what I call my full moon belly button which was perfectly round and formed but found that while my stomach returned to normal after both pregnancies my belly button did not do the same and was left with what I now call my half moon. Fast forward to pregnancy number three as my innie has become an outie and am no longer able to wear my belly bar. There are large flexible ones you can buy for pregnancy but am scared it would catch on something so am just putting in my normal bar every couple of days for a few minutes. I find that if I don't do this it starts to close up and really don't want to have to get it redone once I've had the baby. The older I get, the less tolerant I am to pain!

Talking of pain, I had my whooping cough jab this week. Whilst the jab itself wasn't sore, by the end of the day my arm was killing me, with it hurting to lift away from my side or lying on whilst sleeping. So a word of warning, if you choose to have this done (its usually between 28 & 32 weeks pregnant I think) make sure it's done in the arm you use the least.

I also thought I would share some pics of the pram I ordered last week. In the end I went for the Bugaboo Cameleon3 with a silver chassis, black base and the hood/apron in petrol blue. The name petrol blue initially put me off the colour especially when looking at the samples but when you see it on the pram it actually looks more of a turquoise, teal colour which I thought would be nice with either pink or grey accessories depending on the sex of the baby.

Image credit: Polyvore

I took inspiration for my colours from this swatch on pinterest and have decided on the pink or greys with pastel tones to add some colour to white baby furniture I want to get.

After 7 months of looking at prams this is what I went for

After much deliberating I ended up choosing the Maxi Cosi Pebble car seat (on the right) in the colour Graphic Crystal (on the left). 

Thats it for this week. Keep an eye out for my next Pregnacy Diaries Vlog on YouTube. Here is my first ever one from last week if you missed it.


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