Friday, 7 November 2014

Post Baby Body 0-3 Months

Jude is just past the 3 month mark so I thought I would do a post focusing on my post baby body (tummy).

Although it's pointing out the obvious (and is easier said than done), try never compare yourself to other mums as pregnancy, gaining and loosing baby weight has it's different challenges depending on each individual and how many pregnancies you have had. We all have our own insecurities after childbirth and whilst it may not be weight that personally bothers me, my fitness, muscle tone (specifically the ASS area!) and over all health is something I need to work on in order to feel like 'me' again.

To date I have done 3 workouts, one at around 4 weeks (not recommended) when I was itching to get active again, This workout lasted 45 minutes and of course was a complete fail. Attempting this a month after giving birth was never going to end well! The other two were 5 minute express workouts comprising of 5 different exercises, lasting 60 seconds each. These faired a lot better but to be honest I have had no motivation to keep up a consistent workout routine.

On the diet front, well there has been no diet, not unless we are talking about everything that is NOT good for you. Hot chocolates (my craving after the pregnancy), hot cross buns and biscuits have been my weakness in recent months, despite my best intentions of eating super healthy as I am breastfeeding and wanted to provide myself and the baby with nutritious foods. Don't get me wrong, I have concocted some home made soups and gone for healthier alternatives such as wholemeal over white pasta, bread and rice, however my diet is nothing I am proud of at the moment. This is something I plan to tackle in the New Year to get myself fit and healthy for myself and my children.

DISCLAIMER: These pictures do not show me 'letting it all hang out' (You know what I'm talking about). These were taken with me using what stomach muscles I had left after childbirth!  

And that moves me nicely onto my

TOP TIP: Hold in your stomach in for short periods of time (to begin with) as this helps re-train your muscles. Pick something you do regularly to act as a reminder to work that tummy. Doing the dishes prompted me to engage my stomach muscles through out the day. 

Here is my progress:






Lou xxx